
We want to offer our customers only the best. For this reason lies to us the Further development of our company very close to my heart! We strive to always put the quality standard first and thus have worked hard to earn our certificates. In addition to quality, we also pay attention to the environment and sustainability, because despite high quality standards, we are aware of our responsibility towards our current as well as future generations.

Certifications at a glance


What are our certifications?

In the area of the environment, the FSC® (FSC-C109325) Chain of Custody certification is particularly important to us. Chain of custody certification according to FSC standards confirms that FSC-certified materials have been processed in accordance with FSC rules throughout the entire product chain, from the forest to the end-customer trade. This ensures that products bearing the FSC label actually have a positive effect on the forest.

One of our heartfelt projects is our DHL GoGreen certification. We implemented this in 2019 and are thus also making a very large contribution to our environment. Through the additional service of DHL GoGreen, all our packages are shipped climate neutral. Thus, we were able to offset 44.05 t Co2e last year. We are very proud of this and, together with you, are looking positively into a green future!

Our management system is also always up to date and certified according to EN 9100 and ISO 9001. Our main processes are regularly measured and evaluated in terms of their effectiveness as well as risk. We have established CIP (Continuous Improvement Process) circles for targeted organizational development. Our corporate management follows the continuous PDCA cycle (Plan – Do – Check – Act) and is thus monitored and standardized from planning to successful implementation.

Since 2018, we have also been ProcessStandard Digital (PSD) – certified. In this way, we guarantee a quality standard of the highest level according to ISO 15311 for each of our production steps in digital printing, which is consistently maintained and continuously optimized. With the ProcessStandard Offset (PSO), we document a quality standard of our production chain that is traceable at any time by measurement. Standardized test procedures provide accurate indications of faulty or qualitatively insufficient data in good time.


We ensure the quality of your print products – controlled consistently at the highest level!

Your advantages:

Certifications in printing offer numerous advantages for customers and print shops alike. Certification such as ISO 9001 ensures the highest quality in production and process optimization. Certifications such as FSC certification or PEFC certification guarantee the sustainability of the materials used. Safety is also ensured through certifications, such as compliance with safety standards in the processing of food packaging. In summary, certifications are an important factor for successful and sustainable printing processes and strengthen confidence in the quality and safety of products.



Our certifications guarantee you the highest quality. Every year we are put to the test again and convince again and again with our high quality standards.


Environmental protection is important to us, which is why we also regularly obtain certification for our sustainable measures.


Our certifications guarantee 100% safety. Best quality, fair working conditions, sustainable production, compliance with hygiene standards.